Where’s the line?

On That’s Funny! our latest series is, “Never Good Enough.”   One of our viewers asked a deep, thoughtful question: “Where’s the line between wanting to improve yourself and being content with what you have?” This is a fantastic question. I often ask myself where’s the line questions about many areas in my life; “Where’s the line between my…

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So many questions

When Sally and I started our Youtube series, That’s Funny! we had questions about topics and untruths we hoped to debunk. Now we are deep in our series of, God never gives you more than you can handle, and we have even more questions…so many questions. Join us for an empowering Q&A session, dispelling the…

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Make a wish part 2

Many of you reached out to let me know the Youtube links to That’s Funny, did not come through, so thank you. Here’s the link to each show. Thank you for your messages and for sharing with friends. Have a terrific week. Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Outtake…

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Make a wish

I sold a property called, “The Dandelion House,” adorned with the theme throughout and even a dandelion painted accent wall.  Upon seeing it, my clients decided to write a contract. Before leaving, mom and two little girls closed their eyes, made the wish (that this would be their new home) and blew on the wall.…

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Seeing the invisible

As I walked into my women’s bible study, Natasha, our teacher, asked me to sit next to her.  As I settled into my seat, Shelly stretched in dramatic fashion puffing out her chest. Natasha talked lively while using her hands and arms. Shelly flipped her hair. They both seemed more animated than usual. I kept…

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Who told you that?

My friend shared a story about feeling unloved and unaccepted. After thirty years of struggling with not enough, she saw a store clerk and thought she was beautiful.  As my friend was leaving the store, God told her to go compliment this woman. Reluctantly, she did as God instructed. The woman replied, “Thank you. And so…

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That’s Funny Talk Show Coming Soon~

Sally and I are excited to announce our new show is coming your way on YouTube. Despite many setbacks, we are officially launching on August 06, 2024. Please join us for weekly 15 minute episodes. August “That’s Funny” topic is: God never gives us more than we can handle. We’d also love to hear from…

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I’m learning to do this

The air smelled fresh with possibilities. The wind joined the rain making music, while I playfully twirled under the safety of the covering. A mist brought goose bumps and I felt alive, and, present in the moment. I’m learning to do this…to stay present.   Neatly folded schedules get dumped out, crumpled, and sometimes rained on.…

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Shattered, but still standing.

I met with someone this week who is going through a divorce. After decades of being married, she walked into an attorney’s office and sent me this picture. The table was so symbolic. Broken, yet beautiful. Shattered, but still standing. Might I suggest, what seems fragmented can still be whole? “We have all kinds of…

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Receiving gratitude or running from it?

My Seller had just finished signing the closing documents. He stood up, walked toward me and thanked me. “You bet,” I said, as I went to give him a hug. But he stopped me. Taking a hold of my shoulders, he looked into my eyes and said. “Look at me. Truly, thank you for helping…

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