
I’ve taken a girls trip with my best friend, Julieann (AKA Buddy), for seven years and counting.  We’ve seen some beautiful places, sharing belly laughs, tears, and simply sitting in the wonder of God’s beauty. It was our last night in South Dakota. Although our days had been packed with adventure, this special night centered…

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Who is the God you know?

I’m listening to Emily P. Freeman’s The Quiet Collect for Advent. (You can download her app on your phone for free. The advent collection is for purchase). This morning, I listened to her devotional titled, “Magnificat,” which means, a canticle used in Christian liturgy, especially at vespers and evensong, the text being the hymn of the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:46–55). After Emily reads…

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A different kind of performance 

Readying for the holiday season, I decided that a “Magical Cirque Christmas” performance was in order. It was a different kind than I had seen before—not the typical Cirque du Soleil, where various acts happen at once. This show unfolded one performer at a time. I thought, This is strange—just watching one solo artist do her contortionist…

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Each of us, moment by moment, stand in the unknown.  The unrevealed future makes room for worry, anxiety and fear. I write in my journal, drawing hearts around my questions.   Will I maintain good health as I age? How much time is left with my old husky boy? Will the economy make a “soft…

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When all joy is lost

Laughter abounded while visiting with my friend.  We shared deeply.  Tears formed. I felt her sufferings. Some I hadn’t experienced, others were close to my heart. Life has an ebb and flow; happiness and heartache. And the two can merge like serene ocean and hurricane ravaged land. It can feel like you’ve lost your joy…

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I believe God appreciates my efficiency. I’m able to run through my day focused (primarily), getting everything accomplished (mostly) on my to-do list. For that, I think God sits back and says, “She’s a go-getter,” admiring my tenacity. But His endearment comes from my slowing. From slapping feet on the pavement to a quieter crunching…

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I was listening to Lectio 365 which is an app that shares a daily devotion in the morning and evening.  I’ve been journeying with Pete Greig, Pastor and founder of Lectio 365, who’s on a three-week pilgrimage through Scotland.  This week, Pastor Greig read from Genesis where God created man, put him in the Garden…

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Tomorrow, “Living Fearless” is the topic of my talk that will be delivered to women. God is helping me practice this daily. As I go forth, I pray that my training in fearlessness will shine through as I share what He’s been teaching me. “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what…

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If God is going to be there, do it!

Hats folded like tacos. Even the preacher was a cowboy.  The sermon opening was a summary of the bible story of Queen Esther. Esther’s cousin, Mordecai sent her a message: “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at…

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Not Everything is a Lesson

First, the disappointment came. I cried out, “Why God? I’m a faithful servant!” The more I pondered the situation, the more angry I became. I wanted justice. I got angry with God. We had some words. Or should I say, I had words with Him. Then I prayed that He’d understand my heart. And that I’d…

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