Seeing the invisible

As I walked into my women’s bible study, Natasha, our teacher, asked me to sit next to her.  As I settled into my seat, Shelly stretched in dramatic fashion puffing out her chest. Natasha talked lively while using her hands and arms. Shelly flipped her hair. They both seemed more animated than usual. I kept…

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Who told you that?

My friend shared a story about feeling unloved and unaccepted. After thirty years of struggling with not enough, she saw a store clerk and thought she was beautiful.  As my friend was leaving the store, God told her to go compliment this woman. Reluctantly, she did as God instructed. The woman replied, “Thank you. And so…

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I’ve taken a girls trip with my best friend, Julieann (AKA Buddy), for seven years and counting.  We’ve seen some beautiful places, sharing belly laughs, tears, and simply sitting in the wonder of God’s beauty. It was our last night in South Dakota. Although our days had been packed with adventure, this special night centered…

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A new name

At an animal shelter, we looked through the glass windows studying the names and faces. Each cubical reflected affectionate looks silently screaming, Choose me, PLEASE! Some dogs had stories, others had no known background. Our gaze met with blue eyes. I chuckled at the sight of him. “Is he a little cross-eyed? He looks like Kevin from the…

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Deeper Lessons Within: The Pharisee and the Free Bird

Buddy and I had a leisurely Southern breakfast. We made a few stops for souvenirs and then we headed to the beach. When we got there, everyone was packing up and leaving. I said to her, “This is great. We will have the whole beach to ourselves.” She pointed to dark looming clouds that were…

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Life lessons from the South

Once a year, I go on a girls trip with my best friend, Julieann, whom I call “Buddy.” We’ve been friends for over 38 years. This year’s trip was to South Carolina and Georgia. Every time I’m with her, I inadvertently learn new life lessons and discover a deeper dimension within. First, the life lessons…

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Sitting in the void

 Zorro, full of life and wearing a black bandit mask, rescued us in 2011. Over a decade of doing life together, he filled spaces in our hearts with love—places we didn’t know that needed tender loving care. So as Zorro’s hips began to weaken over the past few months, David and I honored him each…

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When all joy is lost

Laughter abounded while visiting with my friend.  We shared deeply.  Tears formed. I felt her sufferings. Some I hadn’t experienced, others were close to my heart. Life has an ebb and flow; happiness and heartache. And the two can merge like serene ocean and hurricane ravaged land. It can feel like you’ve lost your joy…

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Mama J saved the day.

On our last visit to Florida, my restful time was interrupted by something that caught my eye…a long black line inside the lanai. But then it moved. My curious stare jumped to the realization that it was a snake! And not just one, but two. Now both were moving in opposite directions. EEEK! I sprang…

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I received a coin

He listened intently as I shared my story. He stepped back into time with me and was there in that moment. I looked at him as I finished sharing. His eyes were filled with emotion. Blinking away tears he said, “You did it. You didn’t hesitate. You didn’t freeze up. You were able to defend…

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