The Countdown is on Until the Next Overwhelmed Conference
Join the Jericho Girls in Conversation
TOGETHER. We are The Jericho Girls.
Go deeper in discussion in our closed Facebook Group
Gather. Connect. Engage.
Our Mission:
Generations of women connecting in powerful relationships,
welcoming all, breaking barriers and building alliances.

You can donate securely via Paypal
Or send a check to:
Jericho Girls Ministries
7519 East Highway 86, Suite 283
Franktown, Co. 80116
Jericho Girls is a nonprofit, nondenominational organization and we need your help!
What does your contribution go toward?
The Overwhelmed Conference:
Sponsoring women who can't afford to attend.
Speakers, food, video production, and staffing.
Beginning Jericho Girls Groups:
Connecting women worldwide.
Uniting women in authentic relationships.
Helping those in need:
Our future goals include:
Helping women in domestic violence.
Mission trips.
Supporting Jericho Girls and their families.
What are some other ways you can help?
If you can't commit to financial support, here are some impactful ways that you can help:
- Pray for us. Pray for our conference, for the women who attend,
for our speakers, for spiritual protection, and for Jericho Girls Ministries. - Share about Jericho Girls and the Overwhelmed Conference. Help us spread the word through social media and through word of mouth.
- Particularly, share the conference with those who live in the Denver area. We want to pack the place out!
- Help us form groups in your area.
Thank you so much for being a part of this journey with us.
Who are the Jericho Girls?
We are generations of women standing together and becoming women without walls.
We are women who gather to discuss the walls we build around our hearts, and by being real with one another, we connect in authentic relationships.
We are God's Girls-the ones who climb into the Father's lap and ask for anything with childlike faith.
We are His Daughters who welcome all, no matter where they are in their journey.
Why the name Jericho Girls?
The Bible teaches us in the book of Joshua, how to break down our walls: God instructs Joshua-who was the military leader of the Israelites-to march the Israelites around the City of Jericho once a day for six days. On the seventh day, they were told to circle the city seven times and then shout at Joshua's instruction. When the Israelites shouted, the walls collapsed and the Israelites conquered the city of Jericho.
Through obedience, faith, and community, God brought the walls crumbling down. TOGETHER, the Israelites had victory.
Today's woman is called to do the same!
- Similarly, God calls us to break down the walls of Jericho that surround our hearts.
- Walls are built on fear and keep us from authentic relationships.
- We are not meant to do life alone, but rather to live in relationship with God and others.
- When women break down barriers and build alliances we become united-and together, we are a powerful force!
What we do:
- We gather-forming groups to break down the walls that keep us isolated from each other. Transparency then leads to connection.
- We connect-via a yearly conference, Overwhelmed. Women from all over the nation gather in Denver on the first Saturday of October.
- We serve and help those in need.
Becoming a Jericho Girl begins with you.
If you don't step up, who will? Leading a group simply begins with an open heart and home. And it doesn't matter where you meet, or if you home isn't "Pinterest" "Martha Stewart" ready.
Begin by asking God to put at least 5 women on your heart.
You are not alone! The book Walls of a Warrior gives you everything you need to facilitate and lead a group. All the tools are at your fingertips: the study guide, chapter questions, inspirational cards, commitment "contract"-everything you need to help you start your group.
Offering authentic friendship to women around you is truly one of life's' most precious gifts.
Don't allow fear to stop you from facilitating a Jericho Girls Group. You don't have to have all the answers, you just need your heart's desire for connectedness.
What if facing your biggest fear could bring you the greatest freedom?
Here's How to Get Started
- Register your group and your individual women. (Register button)
- Sign the statement of faith
- Once your group is registered, you will receive a confirmation email and your group will be posted on the Jericho Girls website.
- Join our Facebook Jericho Girls Group Community and discussion
- Like our page on Facebook Page
The Countdown is on Until the Next Overwhelmed Conference
Overwhelmed Conference
How will Overwhelmed Conference help you?
- Helps you connect and engage-you were not meant to do life alone.
- Inspire women to drop their sense of "overwhelm" and become overwhelmed with God's great love.
- Refreshed so that you can overflow to others.