Many of us find it difficult to receive.
We’ve complicated the act of opening up to goodness because we don’t understand how or when to block unhealthy energy. We tend to insert our own ideas and agendas and measure our own worth before accepting. Even though it’s better to give, it’s harder to receive. It doesn’t come naturally and takes humble practice. While the world spins on the axis of quid pro quo, there’s a better way.
With transparency and hope, Dawna Hetzler shares examples of how she internalized the wrong messages throughout her life. After years of accepting inaccurate narratives, it all came to light when faced with the reality that she might lose her husband and the life she admired. Digging deep, she found the necessary strength by accepting kindness and rejecting animosity.
Each of us have our own unique journey, and there isn’t a precise “number of steps” to maximize someone’s life; nevertheless, Dawna guides you through seven practices to shift your perspective on what to take in and what to let go. You might use one, some, or all, but throughout this book, you’ll become acquainted with the gift of knowing when to open your heart and when to close it.
If you long to learn the art of receiving, then journey through the pages of this book; you might find a truer version of the person you’ve always wanted to be.
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About the Book
You have fears. We all do. You are not alone. Each of us fear something, and it’s what we do with those fears that either propels us in life or keeps us in bondage. Fear builds impenetrable walls around our hearts. Those barriers keep us from living in freedom. Walls obstruct our personal growth and hinder our relationships, which then affects every area of our lives. Are you ready to do some demo work? Join Dawna, a guide who’s been through it! So grab your tool belt—together, we’ll face your fears, and shatter the walls that you've built. These walls need to come down just like the walls of Jericho came crashing down. As we journey to Jericho together, it is my hope that the words, stories and experiences of the Jericho Girls will help to transform you into the woman of God you were called to be—one without walls.
Dawna finds herself in a botanic garden longing for a few hours of quiet time with God. Despite her hectic days, she gets herself there longing for the unforced rhythms of grace. As she sits alone in the middle of the gardens, waiting to hear from God, she finally hears the whisper, “You are blinded to the fact that you have walls.” Totally blindsided to the fact that she has walls, she takes a journey to Jericho where she will explore the inner depths of her heart, and the walls she builds around it. Dawna forms a women’s group called, THE JERICHO GIRLS. The Jericho Girls meet to discuss the walls that they build around their hearts. Dawna writes about her experiences and shares stories from the Jericho Girls as they commit to bringing down the walls of their hearts together.
Dawna begins to realize that she has walls but needs to identify the types of walls and with whom. She will soon discover her walls are not only with others, but also with God. She finds that she needs to understand who she is—who she truly is, before she can move forward in identifying specific walls. Next she battles it out with God getting growly with Him, getting real, and journeys through faith, trust, and control issues. Dawna finds herself getting real with the Jericho Girls identifying that experience, appearance and shame affects relationships. She will soon discover that by building walls it hinders relationships with others. Building walls around her heart also gives her a limited perspective. Dawna reaches a pivotal point when she discovers that she cannot do life without others. But how is that possible when others can hurt? Dawna addresses walls of hurt and how to get past them.
Her next obstacle, she begins to quit worrying about what others think. As she corrects her perspective on esteem, we begin to see who she is as she evolves into a new spirit. Dawna grows as she takes down her masks and becomes a new creature. She becomes less isolated, reaching out to others, and God, learning to listen and to be heard by others. As the walls come down, she finally discovers that fear is the root of all walls. Identifying her fears helps her to face them. As she identifies fears and meets them, she begins to get to the root of the problem. She disassembles walls resentment and bitterness. She begins leaning into fear, pressing in and pressing on. As she begins to acknowledge fears, she becomes ready to battle them with a new spirit—that of a warrior.
Dawna begins to construct healthy walls, building walls of forgiveness, walls of promise, owning who she is, and building healthy walls of esteem. Once healthy walls are in place, transformation begins. We see someone with healthy walls, living in relationship with boundaries. Looking to God for her perspective, she takes us on a final journey as she gets ready to battle a life-long fight, one that will require her to keep walls down, and healthy ones in place. Through the help of God, and the Jericho Girls, she is ready to begin the fight of her life; breaking down walls of her heart, and building authentic relationships for the rest of her life.
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Praise for Walls of a Warrior:
“One of the most important experiences readers of this book will encounter is identifying the walls that have been built around their hearts. Dawna states, “Identifying the walls we put in place is the first step to deconstructing them.” You will be taken on a journey and gently come face-to-face with your walls, like ‘Walls of Esteem’, ‘Walls of Masks’, ‘Walls of Isolation’, and ‘Walls of Resentment and Fear’. Through your travels, you will be guided step-by-step to identify, acknowledge, and tear down these unhealthy walls. In the chapter, ‘Walls of Hurt’, the author shares scientific facts that are both captivating and enlightening. You work toward a goal, building ‘Healthy Walls’ at the end of the book.
“Walls of a Warrior holds truth and encouragement that causes each reader to return to its insights again and again. A great read and phenomenal resource for personal healing and spiritual growth.”— Dr. Jean McLachlan Hess, Pastor of 316 Denver Church, Author of Journey to the Manger, Speaker
“The thunder of walls coming down in the hearts and minds of women reading, absorbing and applying these words of truth is a wonder to behold. I cannot overstate the impact that Dawna’s book, Walls of a Warrior, has made in my own life and in the lives of many women, including women in the Jericho Girls Group that I co-lead. Through this book, Dawna lovingly and powerfully took the lead for us on this journey to authenticity, both with people and with our awesome Creator. She blesses us with God’s truth through His Word, and with practical tools for breaking down unhealthy walls, while erecting healthy ones. I am forever changed because of it.”—Susie Stewart, President & Co-Founder of True Impact Ministries
“At the end of the day, we are all human, with real feelings of fear. We are not alone in this journey called life. Dawna teaches us we cannot do life alone. She helps us reach out, break down walls, and live outside our comfort zones. Walls of a Warrior, speaks directly to women, whispers to men, and helps both to conquer their fears.”—Carmen Swick, Award-Winning Author for Children’s Books—Patch Land Adventures, President of the Denver Chapter, Foundation Fighting Blindness, Speaker
“Dawna follows her divine calling in conquering the walls of fear we build around our broken hearts. Being delivered from the pit is painful, but it’s the only way to truly experience His delivering power, freedom and forgiveness!”—Stephanie Riggs Radio Host, Author, Journalist
“Dawna knocks down walls and reveals our authentic core desires. Connection and safety are two of the most important human needs; our soul longs for authentic relationships. The human spirit thrives on positive, life-giving interpersonal connection with God and people. God created us to love and be loved, and to see and to be seen, in relationship with Himself and with others. We have all created walls in order to survive the storms in life; however, most of those walls no longer serve us. They actually hold us back from the fullness of connection, which Jesus desires to lead us into experiencing. Dawna guides the reader back to their God-given ability to show up with confidence and love in all their relationships. Walls of a Warrior is a must read, as it guides the reader back to their God-given natural state of being: a conqueror, peace filled, and loving human being capable of deep, life giving, connections.” — Lauren E Miller, Founder of Stress Solutions University.com, Speaker and Award-Winning Best Selling Author
“With honesty, courage and eloquence, Dawna shares her calling to help others conquer their fears of the heart. In reading, Walls of a Warrior, I am better equipped to answer the question, “Who am I?”—Sam Adams, Comedian and Author of If You Don’t Believe Me…Lessons Learned From Listening to the Greats
“Being a Jericho Girl lead me on a journey to wholeness. Not only did I recognize my walls through these pages, but Dawna gave me the tools to bring them to ruin. Walls of a Warriorhas helped me to emerge a warrior, empowered me to live life with courage, and face the impossible.”—Gaye Taylor, Stonecroft Ministries Colorado Regional Speaker Trainer