Receiving gratitude or running from it?

My Seller had just finished signing the closing documents. He stood up, walked toward me and thanked me. “You bet,” I said, as I went to give him a hug. But he stopped me. Taking a hold of my shoulders, he looked into my eyes and said. “Look at me. Truly, thank you for helping…

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I’ve taken a girls trip with my best friend, Julieann (AKA Buddy), for seven years and counting.  We’ve seen some beautiful places, sharing belly laughs, tears, and simply sitting in the wonder of God’s beauty. It was our last night in South Dakota. Although our days had been packed with adventure, this special night centered…

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Running to get the sponge

Reflecting on Easter and reading Matthew 27:45-50 (ESV), I imagined myself in the scene. Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” And some of the bystanders,…

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It is what it is

I’ve despised this statement my whole life.  So when I hear someone say, “Well, it is what it is,” I translate it into passivity. I’m a doer and I bring change. However, through my trials over the last few years, I’ve given in to the lie that nothing is changeable; and slowly started accepting it. …

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Don’t worry, I’ve got you.

On a spring hike, I decided to walk a short portion of the trail to find a quiet space. The snowy steps were too slick for my tennis shoes, but I hiked on.  The sound of the roaring waterfall, the gentle breeze inspired the pines to sing, and a bluebird flew past as I exhaled.…

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I did it my way?

The soft golden hues of Cherokee Ranch and Castle illuminated the Frank Sinatra impersonator as he perform the classic songs I love so much: New York, New York Strangers in the Night Come Fly with Me I’ve Got You Under My Skin You Make Me Feel so Young Luck be a Lady And then he…

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Lent is not about giving something up

My spiritual director, Ruth, sent me a message yesterday. “Dawna, someone brought to my attention (and you may have seen this also) that the word Lent is in the word Valentine. I’m forwarding another opportunity for a daily devotional during Lent.” Yesterday, I read the introduction to the suggested 40 day devotional. I prayed and…

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When you’ve bitten off more than you can chew.

I leaned in closer to hear what David was saying in the cozy atmosphere of Tito’s Cantina Tequila Bar & Grille. “On Tito’s Facebook page, I saw a picture of Tito in a headlock by one of his customers.” “That’s so cool. If I meet him, I want a picture like that.” No longer had the…

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When you can’t see what’s ahead

When I drive at night, my headlights only allow me to see about sixty feet ahead. When I drive in the snow and fog, there are times when I can barely make out the front of my car. Many times, that’s how it is journeying with God—He only allows us to glimpse so far ahead.…

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Number my days

January is my birthday month. Today, I’m reflecting on Psalm 90:12 (NIV):  “Teach us to number our days,  that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” I think about the time I’ve already lived. On Sunday, it will be 19,710 days.  That number surprises me. It in itself, doesn’t seem very large, but when I…

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