I received a coin

He listened intently as I shared my story. He stepped back into time with me and was there in that moment. I looked at him as I finished sharing. His eyes were filled with emotion. Blinking away tears he said, “You did it. You didn’t hesitate. You didn’t freeze up. You were able to defend…

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Reading each other’s journals

We were headed home from Tennessee, preparing ourselves to step back into reality. Buddy handed me her journal—her heart placed on pages describing our week together. I handed her mine. I cracked open the beautiful book, noticing her incredible penmanship. I sunk into my chair knowing that mine looked like scattered thoughts, scratch marks, and…

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My published article for Focus on the Family

Friends, I’m so happy to announce that Focus on the Family published an interview that I wrote. Check it out here: Survivors of Childhood Trauma Can Have a Good Marriage. and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE share on social media and comment. Thank you for your love and support.

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Surprising Allen Arnold

The surprise on his face was priceless. As he walked into our house, he stepped into his story. Entering our home, Allen was greeted by “Ryder” the watchman character in his book (played by none other than David Hetzler). The rest of us were dressed in Bohemian attire. Over the summer The Jericho Girls read…

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Saying Goodbye

Looking over the Tuscan Hills, I breathed in the majesty of the view. It was my last day in Italy and the sun leisurely set in the sky. I didn’t want to leave. I pondered how I could stay, if just for a while longer. Italian living…so simple…peaceful… I yearned to bring it home—the only…

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A Celebrity Roast

When you have the nickname ‘Emoney’, what else can your friends do but throw you a celebrity roast, surprise 50th birthday party? Whispers peppered the room in anticipation of Emoney’s arrival. When his car came into sight from the eye of the living room window, a hush gave way to silence. We waited. This moment…

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