5 things at 50

Today, I step into 50. You guys, 50!!!
There are so many things I want to share with you—lessons from my journey—events that have shaped me into the person I am today. And while it would be logical to give you “50 lessons I’ve learned,” I’m going to share only five. Perhaps because I can’t completely swallow the zero that follows the five. But mostly because the top five have been the most impactful in my transformation.
*Always trust your intuition. Always. Intuition is not a fleeting feeling, but something that continually nags at you until you respond to its warnings. The body doesn’t lie. It will alert you to when something is not right, and tell you when it’s safe again. Believe in this God-given mechanism.
*Acceptance. I can ease into this new decade because I’ve accepted the difficult stretches and heartaches that comes with 50 years of experience. Tough life lessons taught me to accept what I can’t change and to look forward with wisdom. Acceptance is choosing to believe that everything truly does “work together for good for those who love God,” curbing the temptation to second guess or doubt God’s sovereignty.
*Hold onto the things that are helpful. Not everything needs closure. While I must let go of some things, many hard lessons can equip me. I’m always asking God to show me what I need to slowly release, and what I need to hold onto for the journey ahead.
*Create a life where you have options. Having options gives you the power to make productive and wise decisions.
*Tend to your inner light. You are the only one who can adjust your light so that it shines brightest. Only you (with God’s help) can make you happy.
Love love love —- all 5 of your lessons learned —- how enlightening! glad you kept it at 5 — my approaching -70 -faster -than I- can- imagine mind could not have handled 50 lessons on one blog. I still can’t handle the photo of the pink wig however… You never cease to amaze and make me smile sooooo big!
I can’t wait to hear your big 7 lessons at 70, Sandy. You have so much wisdom to share. What color hair might you try? LOL!