Who told you that?
My friend shared a story about feeling unloved and unaccepted. After thirty years of struggling with not enough, she saw a store clerk and thought she was beautiful.
As my friend was leaving the store, God told her to go compliment this woman. Reluctantly, she did as God instructed. The woman replied, “Thank you. And so are you.”
My friend disagreed with the woman and told her why, and how she’d felt the pain of unacceptance for so many years.
And then this lovely woman responded:
“Who told you that lie?”
Those words echoed in my heart.
How many untruths had I allowed to enter into my soul that should’ve been denied entrance?
This one statement resonated so much, that I began asking myself the question.
“Dawna, who told you that lie?”
God asked Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, “Who told you that you were naked?”
What if I became the “bouncer” to the entrance of my heart?
—To go on security detail if you will, and question what or whom I’m allowing in… into the precious and elite place of my heart?
So I began asking:
“Who told you that you were not enough?”
“Who told you that you are alone?”
“Who told you that you will never recover?”
“Who told you that you don’t have purpose?”
“Who told you that you are stuck?”
“Who told you that you should worry?”
“Who told you not to get up?”
“Who told you to be afraid?”
“Who told you you can’t?”
Will you join me this week and ask yourself these healthy questions, and block untruths from entering?
It’s time to stop listening to the lies and start listing to the Lord!
More on this topic on our new show, That’s Funny! Check out our intro video here.
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