Seeing the invisible

As I walked into my women’s bible study, Natasha, our teacher, asked me to sit next to her. 

As I settled into my seat, Shelly stretched in dramatic fashion puffing out her chest.

Natasha talked lively while using her hands and arms.

Shelly flipped her hair.

They both seemed more animated than usual.

I kept eye contact with both of them, focused and present.

The discussion, The Screwtape Letters, begun.

It was then that I saw their shirts!

Both were wearing tee shirts with the logo: That’s Funny!

They had made these to celebrate the launch of our new vlog on Youtube.

I started laughing. They were not fidgeting, they were trying to get my attention. 

How sweet it is to have Sisters like these.

What I realized is that I can be so focused on someone or something that I don’t see the totality.

An act of kindness, laughter, a complement, beauty in nature… 

That’s what C.S. Lewis was teaching too—there’s more to what we can simply see…there’s an unseen that needs to be noticed, and acknowledged.

The main character known as “the patient” who had been tempted over the span of his life by a demon, dies and finally witnesses the unseen world. 

All of this makes me want to see more of the invisible in more of my moments. 

How about you?