Lent is not about giving something up
My spiritual director, Ruth, sent me a message yesterday.
“Dawna, someone brought to my attention (and you may have seen this also) that the word Lent is in the word Valentine. I’m forwarding another opportunity for a daily devotional during Lent.”
Yesterday, I read the introduction to the suggested 40 day devotional. I prayed and asked God what I should give up. I also reflected on the word valentine. How could I be God’s VaLENTine?
This morning, I sat by the window and watched deer graze while inquiring about my 40 day sacrifice. New meaning came. Lent is not about giving up something, it is a receiving into your soul. It’s taking in, experiencing transformation and gaining a profound change deep within.
I sat with that thought for a while. Then a word came to mind. I talked to God about how He will have to help me with that one thing over the next forty days during this transformational and reflective time.
How will dying of that one thing spring forth new life in me? I’m excited (and scared) to see how this goes.
Will you join me in a forty day journey, to the cross and resurrection of Jesus? What will you gain this Lenten season?
Happy VaLENTine’s Day!