What’s going right

The reclaimed wood caught my eye, the saying captured my heart. It whispered a different kind of prayer; one that I already knew how to do, but often forget. Prayers of gratitude. Daily I give thanks to God, but I do have a lot of requests. As I studied this art, the gentle words brought…

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A different kind of performance 

Readying for the holiday season, I decided that a “Magical Cirque Christmas” performance was in order. It was a different kind than I had seen before—not the typical Cirque du Soleil, where various acts happen at once. This show unfolded one performer at a time. I thought, This is strange—just watching one solo artist do her contortionist…

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A new name

At an animal shelter, we looked through the glass windows studying the names and faces. Each cubical reflected affectionate looks silently screaming, Choose me, PLEASE! Some dogs had stories, others had no known background. Our gaze met with blue eyes. I chuckled at the sight of him. “Is he a little cross-eyed? He looks like Kevin from the…

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Repairer of Broken Walls

I have a listing that has a crack in the foundation wall. The buyer, during his inspection, had a large structural engineering firm look at it. This company gave a free estimate, yet quoted $15,000 to repair it. My Seller, had a structural engineer who charged an inspection fee to look at it. The structural…

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The trees teach us

I sat in the massage room with my therapist, Melanie. She studies me as we talked.  “What are we working on today, Ma’am?” “You know, back, neck…the usual stress areas.” “How’s your hands?” “My hands?” Melanie smiled sweetly. “Yes, you have clenched fists today. Our hands hold emotions, grief, and they tell a story.” I…

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Each of us, moment by moment, stand in the unknown.  The unrevealed future makes room for worry, anxiety and fear. I write in my journal, drawing hearts around my questions.   Will I maintain good health as I age? How much time is left with my old husky boy? Will the economy make a “soft…

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I wouldn’t change a thing.

An older (or shall I say, wiser) friend texted me yesterday.  As we exchanged words, we landed on how time is fleeting. Mesmerized by her response, I lingered. “I wouldn’t change a thing.” So many questions came to mind. Does she live without regrets?  How does one get to a point of such acceptance of…

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Asking ourselves loving questions brings internal clarity and sheds light on our perceptions. With examination, we no longer sit on the sidelines, but are gracefully led to transformation. I’ve been camping on these: Additionally, asking questions to others such as these, often makes room for curiosity and reframes to invoke change—without fixing. Like multiplying wildflowers, questions…

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A doctor versus a physician

Like a path that’s been destroyed by floodwaters, you can’t bridge doctor and physician. A doctor has a parochial mindset. It’s a checking of corporate boxes and the notation that only one way works for all. A physician on the other hand, shows up with her black bag and pulls out unique solutions specific to…

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