Deeper Lessons Within: The Pharisee and the Free Bird

Buddy and I had a leisurely Southern breakfast. We made a few stops for souvenirs and then we headed to the beach. When we got there, everyone was packing up and leaving. I said to her, “This is great. We will have the whole beach to ourselves.” She pointed to dark looming clouds that were…

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Life lessons from the South

Once a year, I go on a girls trip with my best friend, Julieann, whom I call “Buddy.” We’ve been friends for over 38 years. This year’s trip was to South Carolina and Georgia. Every time I’m with her, I inadvertently learn new life lessons and discover a deeper dimension within. First, the life lessons…

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When you don’t know what to do

I was texting with my spiritual director about not knowing what to do in a particular situation. She suggested I make a list of pros and cons. This morning, I listed the “why I should” and the “why I shouldn’t.” I typically don’t let a list lead me, rather my intuition. But seeing all the…

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Each of us, moment by moment, stand in the unknown.  The unrevealed future makes room for worry, anxiety and fear. I write in my journal, drawing hearts around my questions.   Will I maintain good health as I age? How much time is left with my old husky boy? Will the economy make a “soft…

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Divine Symmetry

I heard the saying, “divine symmetry” on a podcast. Those two words felt so impactful. The pastor defined divine symmetry as: “Things that happen that might seem like a coincidence, but are actually God’s indirect intervention of confirmations/signs of His goodness as you walk in righteousness.”  After hearing these words, I was at a business…

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I wouldn’t change a thing.

An older (or shall I say, wiser) friend texted me yesterday.  As we exchanged words, we landed on how time is fleeting. Mesmerized by her response, I lingered. “I wouldn’t change a thing.” So many questions came to mind. Does she live without regrets?  How does one get to a point of such acceptance of…

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Asking ourselves loving questions brings internal clarity and sheds light on our perceptions. With examination, we no longer sit on the sidelines, but are gracefully led to transformation. I’ve been camping on these: Additionally, asking questions to others such as these, often makes room for curiosity and reframes to invoke change—without fixing. Like multiplying wildflowers, questions…

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A doctor versus a physician

Like a path that’s been destroyed by floodwaters, you can’t bridge doctor and physician. A doctor has a parochial mindset. It’s a checking of corporate boxes and the notation that only one way works for all. A physician on the other hand, shows up with her black bag and pulls out unique solutions specific to…

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Living a life of curiosity is more than just awareness or learning something, it’s a deeper intimacy with God moment by moment.   Beyond looking for answered prayers or seeking my own life questions, I’ve been asking God questions about Him. I’m discovering that God is playful, funny, and delights in my wonderment. It’s been an…

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