When you don’t know what to do

I was texting with my spiritual director about not knowing what to do in a particular situation.

She suggested I make a list of pros and cons.

This morning, I listed the “why I should” and the “why I shouldn’t.”

I typically don’t let a list lead me, rather my intuition. But seeing all the positives and negatives to each side brought clarity.

Interestingly, I had three really good reasons to proceed based on the pros side. The cons had four reasons why I shouldn’t, three of which had the word “might” in them.

This might happen if I go this way. I can’t base solid decisions on what might happen.

After looking at the list, I asked myself two questions:

1. Which way do the answers, both positive and negative, sway you?

2. Which direction does your intuition lead you in this decision?

I reread her texts. 

“Dawna, make your list. Pray over the answers. See which side brings you peace. Maybe there isn’t a best answer. Perhaps there are advantages to both and you will just have to trust.”

I could build a case for both sides of my situation. But I did feel peace after doing this practice. And, like Ms. Ruth says, once I decide, I just have to trust.

Trust my decision and trust that God is leading.