Make a wish

I sold a property called, “The Dandelion House,” adorned with the theme throughout and even a dandelion painted accent wall.  Upon seeing it, my clients decided to write a contract. Before leaving, mom and two little girls closed their eyes, made the wish (that this would be their new home) and blew on the wall.…

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Lent is not about giving something up

My spiritual director, Ruth, sent me a message yesterday. “Dawna, someone brought to my attention (and you may have seen this also) that the word Lent is in the word Valentine. I’m forwarding another opportunity for a daily devotional during Lent.” Yesterday, I read the introduction to the suggested 40 day devotional. I prayed and…

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What’s going right

The reclaimed wood caught my eye, the saying captured my heart. It whispered a different kind of prayer; one that I already knew how to do, but often forget. Prayers of gratitude. Daily I give thanks to God, but I do have a lot of requests. As I studied this art, the gentle words brought…

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A new name

At an animal shelter, we looked through the glass windows studying the names and faces. Each cubical reflected affectionate looks silently screaming, Choose me, PLEASE! Some dogs had stories, others had no known background. Our gaze met with blue eyes. I chuckled at the sight of him. “Is he a little cross-eyed? He looks like Kevin from the…

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Life lessons from the South

Once a year, I go on a girls trip with my best friend, Julieann, whom I call “Buddy.” We’ve been friends for over 38 years. This year’s trip was to South Carolina and Georgia. Every time I’m with her, I inadvertently learn new life lessons and discover a deeper dimension within. First, the life lessons…

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Sitting in the void

 Zorro, full of life and wearing a black bandit mask, rescued us in 2011. Over a decade of doing life together, he filled spaces in our hearts with love—places we didn’t know that needed tender loving care. So as Zorro’s hips began to weaken over the past few months, David and I honored him each…

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A doctor versus a physician

Like a path that’s been destroyed by floodwaters, you can’t bridge doctor and physician. A doctor has a parochial mindset. It’s a checking of corporate boxes and the notation that only one way works for all. A physician on the other hand, shows up with her black bag and pulls out unique solutions specific to…

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I believe God appreciates my efficiency. I’m able to run through my day focused (primarily), getting everything accomplished (mostly) on my to-do list. For that, I think God sits back and says, “She’s a go-getter,” admiring my tenacity. But His endearment comes from my slowing. From slapping feet on the pavement to a quieter crunching…

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I was listening to Lectio 365 which is an app that shares a daily devotion in the morning and evening.  I’ve been journeying with Pete Greig, Pastor and founder of Lectio 365, who’s on a three-week pilgrimage through Scotland.  This week, Pastor Greig read from Genesis where God created man, put him in the Garden…

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The strangest sight in Israel

We bumped down the runway. This was happening. Although I’d spent months in anticipation of this moment, my heart had longed for The Holy Land much longer. I searched for a glimpse of what’s to come, but the small airplane window offered no insight. Settling my heart, I reminded myself that I’d come here without…

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