What’s going right

The reclaimed wood caught my eye, the saying captured my heart. It whispered a different kind of prayer; one that I already knew how to do, but often forget. Prayers of gratitude.

Daily I give thanks to God, but I do have a lot of requests.

As I studied this art, the gentle words brought curiously: What would prayer time look like if it only consisted of appreciation and thankfulness?

After spending the morning naming all blessings and asking for nothing, I discovered:

*Relief of fear and worry.

*A praiseful heart that sings, “I love you God, just because of You.

*Being present and focused on the right now.

I’m going to continue throughout the day giving thanks.

Perhaps for the butterfly that flutters past.

Or the blazing sunset.

For the crinkles around my eyes that were put there by much laughter.

How He’s redeeming all things and how excited I am to see those things come to fruition.

Will you join me today naming all that is going right?

I’d love to hear your experience.

“This prayer was different…

A humble and overwhelming urge to say,


for all the blessed things going right.”