Where’s the line?

On That’s Funny! our latest series is, “Never Good Enough.”  

One of our viewers asked a deep, thoughtful question: “Where’s the line between wanting to improve yourself and being content with what you have?”

This is a fantastic question.

I often ask myself where’s the line questions about many areas in my life;

“Where’s the line between my part and God’s part?”

Where’s the boundary between being helpful and overstepping?” 

“Where’s the line between hope and reality?” …

Adam, I too wrestle with your question.  

The journey to the transformed self is indeed an adventure to a happily ever after. But the true happily ever after is not until we reach eternity with God.

Until then, we trek on. 

There will be continued times of tough ascents, areas for rest, times we have to go back down before we reach the summit and before we can attempt the summit again. 

When we make it to a mountaintop we can certainly stand on the crest of contentment.

But then life happens and it sends us onward once again with a new mountain to scale. Old wounds can open, a new challenge will come, or full blow tragedy will appear from the shadows.

But where’s the line? 

It’s wherever God places it in each of our lives. 

The spiritual journey is one of unstraight lines, ones that are crooked, curved, bowed, winding, flexuous, spiral…with limitless shapes of direction.

And how boring would it be if we all had a linear formula to follow?

When the line moves, you will have the strength to walk from your place of contentment (where you’ve stored up all your practices and wisdom) and you will be able to face what’s in front of you with faith. That’s why we practice spiritual disciplines to improve ourselves.

When you experience times of spiritual contentment, linger there as long as you can. You’ve earned it.

 Then pick up your walking stick and travel with your adventurous Guide, He will lead heavenward to true contentment.

And isn’t it wonderful that our limitless God doesn’t need any lines to color? 

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. 

I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. 

I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Psalm 16:5-8 (NIV)