35 years to learn this one thing~
My beautiful neighbor and dear friend, Jeanette, (A.K.A. Mama J) and her husband, Randy, (A.K.A. Big Stud or B.S.), decorated my lanai; filling it with decorations, flowers, chocolate, mugs, wine, fruit…
Monday was our 35th Wedding Anniversary and our sweet friends reminded us how special and privileged it is to be with the one you love for so long. I took some time to ponder our journey spanning over three and a half decades.
I thought about each individual ten year stretch and the lessons I’ve learned.
Where did I see growth in myself?
What did David teach me?
When did I see God growing me most?
Who else helped in the longevity of our marriage?
How do I want the next decade to unfold?
Then a Bible story came to mind from John 21. Peter decided to go fishing and his friends joined him. They fished all night and caught nothing. When morning came, a man was on the shore, “You don’t have any fish do you?” “No,” they replied. (John 21: 5 CJB) Then the man instructed them to cast their net on the right side of the boat and they caught 153 fish. John exclaims to Peter, “It is the Lord!” Peter jumps out of the boat and swims to Jesus.
What resonated with me is the part of the story where Jesus is waiting on the shore cooking a single fish on an open fire and He says, “Bring some of the fish you caught.” (vs.10) Peter goes to the boat and drags the whole net of 153 fish to Jesus.
This image lingered. Then I pictured me in the scene and Jesus saying, “I’m grilling one fish for us to share, but bring some of the fish you caught.”
I responded like Peter. I went to the boat and grabbed the whole net, dragging it to Jesus. When I looked, my net no longer carried fish, but all the problems of those whom I love.
Except, He didn’t ask me to bring their fish to the breakfast meeting.
With loving eyes, He smiled and then asked me to let go of the net caring other people’s stuff. “Bring your fish, Dawna.”
So as I reflect on 35 years of partaking in this beautiful and messy thing called marriage, I’m reminded of one thing:
Simply bring my own stuff to Jesus. He will work with me directly to sort through my own struggles. He will also help the ones I love one-on-one with their journey.
The One who turned water to wine, can make each of us into something new in His own time.
I just have to remember to simply drag my own net to the breakfast party. And that’s the best marriage lesson I’ve learned thus far.