Not Everything is a Lesson

First, the disappointment came.

I cried out, “Why God? I’m a faithful servant!”

The more I pondered the situation, the more angry I became.

I wanted justice.

I got angry with God. We had some words. Or should I say, I had words with Him.

Then I prayed that He’d understand my heart. And that I’d understand His plan. What’s the purpose in this? What do I need to learn?

The next day, I sat with a friend who spoke life to me.

“Dawna, when something like this hits home, it becomes real, then you are able to speak into it—equipped to share and teach others. Many would become jaded, ‘Why bother?’ Some won’t follow through, ‘I don’t have time to deal with it. Let it be someone else’s problem.’ There’s a reason this happened to YOU. You are chosen to fight the good fight. Where many wouldn’t be brave enough, you are.”

“I wish He’d find another warrior, Mel,” I laughed.

“Dawna, God gives the hardest battles to His bravest warriors.”


When something difficult springs up in your life, it can be a lesson. And certainly, we learn from our trials.

But what I’m discovering in this situation is that it’s not about me at all (well maybe a little), but mostly about what God is calling me to do. To stand up for what is right.

Either I’m all in or I’m not. I don’t get to choose what God wants to send me into. I suppose I could say, “No!” and I do argue quite a bit.

But If I’m truly His warrior, I need to carry out the Commander’s orders without questions.

Without asking,

“Why me?’

“What’s the end result?”

“How long will this take?”

Rather, a true warrior goes forth with: 






Not everything is a lesson. 

Sometimes you’re just called because…God only knows. 

But you are called.

Will you answer?