
Living authentic, open and curious



Tomorrow, "Living Fearless" is the topic of my talk that will be delivered to women. God is helping me practice this daily. As I go forth, I pray that my...

If God is going to be there, do it!

Hats folded like tacos. Even the preacher was a cowboy.  The sermon opening was a summary of the bible story of Queen Esther. Esther’s cousin, Mordecai sent her a message:...

Not Everything is a Lesson

First, the disappointment came. I cried out, “Why God? I’m a faithful servant!” The more I pondered the situation, the more angry I became. I wanted justice. I got angry...

The labyrinth

My spiritual director, Ruth, gave some basic instructions about walking the labyrinth. Then we sat in the stillness of the morning. She moved toward the entrance first. I remained seated....

Slaying Giants

Once you've identified the childhood giants that taunt you, it's time to slay them. How? There are three practices I'd like you to consider: Receive Your Anointing If you want...

Childhood Giants

The simplest things leave scars that we carry with us into adulthood. I call them “childhood giants.” These emerge from emotional events that shape our perceptions. I spent the majority...

Mama J saved the day.

On our last visit to Florida, my restful time was interrupted by something that caught my eye...a long black line inside the lanai. But then it moved. My curious stare...

You can’t…

I notice it easily in others.  Nonproductive attempts to control outcomes, invoke responses that's desired, or ultimatums. I readily feel that twang of conviction when someone else succumbs to manipulation traps....

My Little Project

I have this little project. But it’s no longer small.  What was supposed to be a fun activity has left my creativity paralyzed.  I bought a seahorse to put in...