Running to get the sponge

Reflecting on Easter and reading Matthew 27:45-50 (ESV), I imagined myself in the scene. Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” And some of the bystanders,…

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Repairer of Broken Walls

I have a listing that has a crack in the foundation wall. The buyer, during his inspection, had a large structural engineering firm look at it. This company gave a free estimate, yet quoted $15,000 to repair it. My Seller, had a structural engineer who charged an inspection fee to look at it. The structural…

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The trees teach us

I sat in the massage room with my therapist, Melanie. She studies me as we talked.  “What are we working on today, Ma’am?” “You know, back, neck…the usual stress areas.” “How’s your hands?” “My hands?” Melanie smiled sweetly. “Yes, you have clenched fists today. Our hands hold emotions, grief, and they tell a story.” I…

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When you don’t know what to do

I was texting with my spiritual director about not knowing what to do in a particular situation. She suggested I make a list of pros and cons. This morning, I listed the “why I should” and the “why I shouldn’t.” I typically don’t let a list lead me, rather my intuition. But seeing all the…

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I wouldn’t change a thing.

An older (or shall I say, wiser) friend texted me yesterday.  As we exchanged words, we landed on how time is fleeting. Mesmerized by her response, I lingered. “I wouldn’t change a thing.” So many questions came to mind. Does she live without regrets?  How does one get to a point of such acceptance of…

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I believe God appreciates my efficiency. I’m able to run through my day focused (primarily), getting everything accomplished (mostly) on my to-do list. For that, I think God sits back and says, “She’s a go-getter,” admiring my tenacity. But His endearment comes from my slowing. From slapping feet on the pavement to a quieter crunching…

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Childhood Giants

The simplest things leave scars that we carry with us into adulthood. I call them “childhood giants.” These emerge from emotional events that shape our perceptions. I spent the majority of my life fighting three of these beasts: never good enough, abandoned, and carrying blame. I didn’t know how to confront myself and face the childhood giants I…

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I’ve missed our time together~

Hello Friend!It’s been a while.  And I’ve missed you and our discussions.After a long dark desert season, I began writing my new book, Free to Receive.I’m excited to share that it’s been birthed into the world.Now, I’m refocusing on blogging and journeying with you once again.  I’d like to invite you to join me in a new season…

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