I’ve missed our time together~
Hello Friend!
It’s been a while. And I’ve missed you and our discussions.
After a long dark desert season, I began writing my new book, Free to Receive.
I’m excited to share that it’s been birthed into the world.
Now, I’m refocusing on blogging and journeying with you once again.
I’d like to invite you to join me in a new season of writing:
My Truest Self: Living authentic, open, and curious.

Here’s what you can expect:
- My blog and video posts delivered to your inbox about how I’m discovering my truest self.
- First to hear about announcements of speaking events and conferences.
- Updates from time to time about Jericho Girls Ministries.
I’m passionate about living authentically, open and curious—connecting on a deeper level.
I hope that through my findings, I can inspire others to become their trustiest selves.
And if what I say resonates with you, please share with a friend and comment in my blog feed at the bottom of each post—I personally respond to each one.
New subscribers will get a free download of My Breathable List—a practice that was like leaving breadcrumbs along my path, my breathable list helped me find my way when I veered too far off course.
Since you’ve already subscribed, email me for your free copy. [email protected]
I look forward to our impactful discussions,