
I believe God appreciates my efficiency.

I’m able to run through my day focused (primarily), getting everything accomplished (mostly) on my to-do list.

For that, I think God sits back and says, “She’s a go-getter,” admiring my tenacity.

But His endearment comes from my slowing. From slapping feet on the pavement to a quieter crunching of the grass.

The unhurried is where God abounds.

I place one foot in front of the other and mimic His advance. 

Certainly, He recognizes I can go fast, but God prefers my daily walk at His stride.  

So this morning, I slow my momentum to match His.

I walk gently because I don’t want to be “racing ahead of the speed of love.” Three Mile an Hour God —Kosuke Koyama

How about you, what’s your speedometer going to read today?