Living authentic, open and curious

Living a life of curiosity is more than just awareness or learning something, it’s a deeper intimacy with God moment by moment. Beyond looking for answered prayers or seeking...

When all joy is lost
Laughter abounded while visiting with my friend. We shared deeply. Tears formed. I felt her sufferings. Some I hadn’t experienced, others were close to my heart. Life has an ebb...

I believe God appreciates my efficiency. I’m able to run through my day focused (primarily), getting everything accomplished (mostly) on my to-do list. For that, I think God sits back...

I was listening to Lectio 365 which is an app that shares a daily devotion in the morning and evening. I’ve been journeying with Pete Greig, Pastor and founder of...

I’ve been taking a sabbatical day once a month since January. My June adventure took me to Seven Falls in Colorado Springs. I was excited until the day I woke...

Tomorrow, "Living Fearless" is the topic of my talk that will be delivered to women. God is helping me practice this daily. As I go forth, I pray that my...

If God is going to be there, do it!
Hats folded like tacos. Even the preacher was a cowboy. The sermon opening was a summary of the bible story of Queen Esther. Esther’s cousin, Mordecai sent her a message:...