Posts Tagged ‘dawna hetzler’
Mama J saved the day.
On our last visit to Florida, my restful time was interrupted by something that caught my eye…a long black line inside the lanai. But then it moved. My curious stare jumped to the realization that it was a snake! And not just one, but two. Now both were moving in opposite directions. EEEK! I sprang…
Read MoreYou can’t…
I notice it easily in others. Nonproductive attempts to control outcomes, invoke responses that’s desired, or ultimatums. I readily feel that twang of conviction when someone else succumbs to manipulation traps. But it’s easier to point a finger away. Unfruitful words such as: “You’ve got to stop acting like this, it’s going to put me…
Read MoreMy Little Project
I have this little project. But it’s no longer small. What was supposed to be a fun activity has left my creativity paralyzed. I bought a seahorse to put in my creative space. My grand idea was to paint words to live by on each wooden slat. What I’ve written doesn’t feel complete. Be Present.…
Read MoreTug Of War
A tug of war ensues within. Hope pulled against uncertainty. Uncertainty yanked back. The future, so, unresolved. A songbird lulls me to the present moment. This is where I should dwell. I breathe in expectation of a new season. Spring is approaching. I reflect. “I have learned to be content regardless of circumstances.I know what…
Read MoreI’ve missed our time together~
Hello Friend!It’s been a while. And I’ve missed you and our discussions.After a long dark desert season, I began writing my new book, Free to Receive.I’m excited to share that it’s been birthed into the world.Now, I’m refocusing on blogging and journeying with you once again. I’d like to invite you to join me in a new season…
Read MoreAn Interview with THE Allen Arnold
The hopeful yet defiant message of Chaos Can’t is that it’s possible to remain unshaken in this world of chaos. But we won’t find the answers on the nightly news or social media. This quest offers a refreshingly different approach. Rather than focus on current events, I take readers on a mythic yet practical journey…
Read More5 things at 50
Today, I step into 50. You guys, 50!!! There are so many things I want to share with you—lessons from my journey—events that have shaped me into the person I am today. And while it would be logical to give you “50 lessons I’ve learned,” I’m going to share only five. Perhaps because I can’t…
Read MoreThe strangest sight in Israel
We bumped down the runway. This was happening. Although I’d spent months in anticipation of this moment, my heart had longed for The Holy Land much longer. I searched for a glimpse of what’s to come, but the small airplane window offered no insight. Settling my heart, I reminded myself that I’d come here without…
Read MoreTonight for sure
I posted this blog almost three years ago. As I reflect on this life lesson, I have indeed laughed more and found joy in my moments. My Mother-In-Law, my favorite aunt, and cousin, Kitty, took me out for a birthday lunch. From the moment we met at the “proper” French restaurant, laughter commenced. We’d only…
Read MoreMy desert time
This morning, as I read my journal from 2016, I came upon two quotes from my sweet friend, Susie Stewart, who has gone home to be with the Lord. At the time she spoke these words, she was in remission from breast cancer. Who would’ve known, just two short years later, she would be gone?…
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